
I am so grateful for being able to meet you and the art teachers, I now have found my love for art once again; because I lost it for a while, not knowing it is a part of who I am. It felt good not trying to perfect everything that I do…I felt comfortable to be who I am at Art Escape. It is a safe environment where I feel wanted.

High School Student

Dear Art Escape, I wanted to thank you for your wonderful gift to all us fire-weary Sonomans – the week long open doors art activities you sponsored…it was an oasis for all of us – a chance to be productive & creative, to be absorbed in something positive of our own making and a respite from the foul air & sad realities of the fires.

Thanks so much! You are now on our list of  Sonoma entities that we want to support in the small way that we are able to.


If you believe that art is a necessity in a child’s life, not a luxury, then you believe in Art Escape. Many of us recognize the need to expose children to art – Art Escape does it.
I’ll try to avoid hyperbole, but it won’t be easy because, simply put, Art Escape has changed the face of Sonoma Valley. There, I said it! Because of Art Escape every child in the Valley, regardless of socio-economic status or location, has access to art. And by art, I mean incredibly well thought out, well-delivered, creative and inspiring programs.
As the parent of a creative creature, as someone who is always trying to tap into my creative side (and choosing to believe what my daughter tells me: in art there are no mistakes!), and as President of Sonoma Plein Air Foundation – an organization that funds art programs in the Valley – I’ve had the opportunity to interface with Art Escape on many levels. I’ve been impressed every step of the way.

It begins with the amazing staff. The committed, creative, talented, compassionate staff who are skilled not only at art instruction, but in creating community among children who might otherwise never cross paths and who may not realize how much they have in common. It’s true that art brings people together. It’s also true that Art Escape facilitates that process in a way I hadn’t seen before in our Valley. And it’s just amazing.
It continues with the quality of the programs and classes Art Escape offers. Art Escape has created a space that exudes creativity. It’s impossible not to feel inspired to create something – anything! – when you walk through their doors. They collaborate with principals to bring art programs to the schools and they partner with other community organizations to make sure that all students have access to quality art programs. Every student experiences art. Every one.

For the past five years Sonoma Plein Air Foundation has been proud to sponsor several of Art Escape’s programs, both onsite and at various school settings. Each program is uniquely designed for its participants, but what is consistent to all is the breadth of artistic experiences the students are offered and the pride and joy they feel when given the opportunity to express themselves and to create something all their own.

So many cherished memories have been created at Art Escape. So many more are to come.

Mandy Bolling

President, Sonoma Plein Air Foundation

As a resident of the Boyes Hot Springs area of Sonoma for several years, I was surprised to just recently learn that this place existed! And super happy to stumble upon it… they have art classes of all types for all ages and skill levels… Art Escape is quite the gem here on this side of Sonoma, and everyone should take advantage of it!


I asked both kids (5.5 and 7 years) what their favorite part of camp was; they both said it was the friendships they were making. Everyday I’d pick up two happily exhausted kids. They would give me a recap of art lessons, nature, and cool things their teachers taught them. One thing in particular was their teacher, Elizabeth, teaching them how to say “elephant” in Thai. I believe it is “Cĥāng” said like “Chung” – it became a song at our house.

They made art inspired by nature, learned to dye fabric and watched older kids create art that inspired them. I was impressed at the work they both created the week at Art Escape.  We will cherish the memories made that week and are looking forward to next year. The kids have been telling friends and family how much they love Art Escape and their teachers.

Waylon, Evalyn, and Ashleigh (their Mom)

I took the zero waste jacket class and enjoyed it. Eva has the patience of a saint!  She is very aware/inclusive/sensitive



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